August 2019 – The state apiary inspectors visited the hives of number club members. Read more here.

July 2019 -As is typical in July for the club instead of a meeting we held a picnic. Special thanks to Dick and Carol Sturm for coordinating the picnic and to James Arvey for being the grill master and providing samples of his homemade wine.
Annual club picnic – 2019 Annual club picnic – 2019 Annual club picnic – 2019 Annual club picnic – 2019 Annual club picnic – 2019 Annual club picnic – 2019
June 2019 – Members of BCBA were treated to a honey and cheese tasting event. Kent Pegorsch, president of the Wisconsin Honey Producers Association (WHPA), presented information on the different Wisconsin flowers and nectar sources. Every participant received a flavor wheel and color chart from the American Honey Tasting society (AHTS) as they tasted various honey samples side by side. These were paired with different types of artisan cheeses supplied by Nala’s Fromagerie in De Pere.
Honey and Cheese Tasting Several types of honey ready for tasting Honey and Cheese Tasting Honey and Cheese Tasting
June 2019 – BCBA partnered with Girl Scout Troop 4679 to assist the young ladies in their Girl Scout journey. You can read more here.

February 2019 – The “Meeting Before the Meeting” in February was a hive inspection of a hive that died over the winter. A search was made for the queen but she was not found. The bees either starved, although there were some frames with honey, OR the hive didn’t have enough ventilation so the bees were damp. The group was split 50/50 on the cause.
Evaluating a dead out. Evaluating a dead out. Evaluating a dead out. Evaluating a dead out.
February 2019 – The Club was well represented at the Einstein Expo where over 3000 students passed by our booth. The Club’s mission to “…. create an environment where learning opportunities exist for association members and the general public.” was accomplished. The questions were endless and enthusiasm for bees infectious.
Einstein Expo 2019 Einstein Expo 2019 Einstein Expo 2019 Einstein Expo 2019 Einstein Expo 2019
February 2019 – On a cold Saturday 28 brand new beekeepers gathered at NWTC to attend BCBA’s 7 hour Introduction to Beekeeping Class. Experienced members of BCBA presented numerous topics required to bring new beekeepers up to speed. Talk about drinking from a fire hose!
Julie discussing protective equipment Lots of info to absorb A room full of new beekeepers Hands-on with beekeeping equipment Sara ready to instruct