September 2022– A big thanks to Bob Michiels and Tom Cashman for covering the Club booth at the Green Bay Botanical Garden Fall Fair. According the Tom, “The weather cooperated and it didn’t rain on us. Our booth was located way down from the main building but the people made it down and found us. They liked looking at the observation hive and were buying stuff off the table like crazy. I hope we go again next year.”
April 2022– Ever wanted to see little bundles of energy learning about bees and pollinators. Julie Mazzoleni and Bob Michiels had a fun day exploring pollinators with over 50 first grade students in Oconto, WI. The students were fascinated about honey bee “SUPERPOWERS” and became experts at the waggle dance (no pictures unfortunately).
April 2022 – The East branch of the Brown County WI library system hosted an information gathering session for more than 10 young, first time beekeepers. Dave Elsen, Bob Michiels, and Wayne Steigelman added to the attendees excitement as their knowledge about what it means to be a beekeeper was expanded. These new beekeepers left with a better understanding of how the Brown County Beekeepers Association is a resource throughout the season.
January 2022– Julie Mazzoleni, Bob Michiels, and Wayne Steigelman met with the Gardeners Club of Green Bay (an affiliate of Gardeners club of America). The presentation focused on honey bees, native bees and other pollinators, the threats they encounter in today’s environment and the actions gardeners can take to protect all pollinators. The Garden club members were also treated to a honey tasting event where they were able to sample 5 different flavors of honey.