Author Archives: juliemazzz

Wisconsin Honey Bee Supplier list

The Wisconsin honey bee supplier list has been updated with 2024 information as of February 15, 2024. This guide is meant to help you when sourcing packages, nucs or queens and should be used as reference only. The club does not endorse any specific supplier – please contact the supplier for details, order forms, availability and any price changes.

If you know of local Wisconsin suppliers NOT on this list, please contact a member of the BCBA leadership team and we will add them.

April Kustov- Wisconsin State Hive Inspector

April Kustov, Wisc State Hive Inspector, spent 2 days with BCBA members inspecting hives and sharing her knowledge.  April was thorough and focused during hive inspections and spent a generous amount of time with each beekeeper, explaining and demonstrating as they went through each hive. 

She also was our featured speaker for the BCBA meeting (Wednesday 8/21/2019)   There was plenty of good conversation, great questions and valuable learning for all attending.  THANK YOU April !  So nice having you with us !