What to Expect in Northeast WI in January

Here is what to expect in and around the hive in January.

In the hive

The bees are in their winter cluster, except for very warm and sunny days (roughly 50ºF and above), when they might leave the hive for a cleansing flight. Queens may lay a few eggs, in which case the cluster will need to keep the brood warm. Dead bees may pile up on the bottom board; on warm days, the bees may remove the bodies, and other bees may fly off to die. Dead bees scattered on the snow outside the hive are therefore a good sign.

Seasonal Conditions-Green Bay

Average Low Temp 9 degrees
Average High Temp 24 degrees
Average Snow Fall 13 inches
Average Precipitation 1 inch


  • When inspecting a colony in winter, it is not necessary to open it. Do a quick external inspection, visual and auditory, to check the cluster. Listen for the bees with your ear directly on the upper part of the hive; if you do not hear anything consider getting a stethoscope or renting the club infra-red camera. Tapping the outside of the hive will get the bees to respond but is not recommended since part of the response is to break the cluster.
  • You can open the hive if it is relatively warm (40ºF or warmer) and windless outside.
  • Do not pull frames or break open the cluster if it is below 50ºF. If you open the hive, check for moisture around the inner or outer covers. If the cluster is far to one side of the food stores, you can carefully move it closer, keeping it together while you do so, or move frames of honey closer to it.
  • Check if dead bees are blocking the entrance. If so, carefully remove the entrance reducer and use a coat hanger or other long device to scrape the bees out of the hive. It is recommended that you suit up for this activity. The noise may alert several guard bees that will come out to investigate. Be as quick as possible and then reinstall the entrance reducer.
  • If you have lost your bees now is a good time to order more. Review this club resource focused on Northeast WI to find a vendor.


  • Check if the colony is light on food stores (you can tell by gently hefting the hive). If so, add dry sugar, fondant, or a candy board on a warmer day.


  • Order any replacement bees (packages, nucs, or queens) as soon as possible; producers generally run out fast.
  • Check any stored equipment for pests such as wax moths.
  • Take inventory. Fix, clean/sterilize, purchase, assemble, and paint equipment as needed.

Hive products and services

  • Cut-outs tend to be easier this time of year, when populations are low.

Yard maintenance

  • Ensure that the hive cover is properly secured and weighted down.
  • Check for evidence of critters living in the nice, toasty hive. Unless it is really warm (above 50ºF) you won’t be able to do much as you don’t want to break the hive apart. Make note to do a better inspection on a warmer day.
  • Remove ice or snow blocking the hive entrance, giving the colonies better ventilation. Don’t worry about snow around the hive body; it may help insulate the hive.
  • A few dead bees or a small amount of fecal matter outside the hive is nothing to worry about, especially after a warm day; this is a sign that they are taking cleansing flights and are still alive inside.


  • Don’t forget to renew your club membership and to get the upcoming year’s meetings on your calendar.
  • Also check the schedule for bee school; many bee schools are held in the late winter.

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