December 2021 – Club member Emily Skala was recognized at the WHPA Fall Banquet for completing the first year of her Youth Beekeeping Scholarship. The Brown County Beekeepers are proud of her accomplishment and Julie Mazolleni for being her mentor.
Participating as part of a panel discussion. Talking with the media Presenting to the club
November 2021 – A very special club meeting. Most of the meeting was dedicated to club members sharing how they use honey and wax products to generate additional income AND to use the outputs of the bees hard work.
Making bees wax bars and candles. Multiple products The most popular product – honey based Mead alcoholic drink. Carol making honey and lemon cough suckers. Carol and Dick demonstrating making honey and lemon cough suckers Making wax sandwich wraps Different products using honey or wax
September 2021 – The Club was represented at the Botanical Gardens 25th Anniversary fair. Lots of folks that are interested in plants and flowers learned about bees and their importance to the food/flower chain.
Observation hive always interests the kids Ready to sell honey Even adults like the observation hive Observation hives are always a hit
August 2021 – The club meeting in August was very special. The bulk of the meeting was spent honoring Tom Cashman for his 50 years of service to the club. Tom has been an officer ALL of those 50 years. He followed in the footsteps of his father who was club President in the 1930’s. The club has had a Cashman in the club for over 75 years!
One of a kind – 50 year bee club jacket An article about the Cashman family in American Bee Journal. Gifts presented to Tom honoring his 50 years Specialty cake honoring Tom Cashman
July 2021 – The annual club picnic was again a success. Thanks to Dick and Carol for coordinating the event and to Jim for cooking and providing homemade wine.
Prize winner, Emily, drawing the next winner. Awaiting the door prize drawing The bee club annual picnic One armed cook, Jim Arvey Demonstrating a prize just won!
July 2021 – The club partnered with the Green Bay Botanical Gardens to conduct two Children’s Pollinator Program summer camp classes where we discussed bees, pollinators, and honey. Special thanks to club members Julie, Dave, Emily H., Carl, tom, and Emily S. for preparing the materials and presenting an exciting and interesting four hour, hands-on class.
Emily explaining honey comb Learning about bees Making wild flower seed bombs. Watching hive inspection Up close with bees, safely.
June 2021 – Club members were treated to a honey themed dinner prepared by Chef Ace Champion and hosted at Ledgestone Vineyards in Greenleaf, WI. The evening started with an outside cooking demo and quickly, due to thunderstorms, moved inside into the wineries aging room. It was a night of fun, fellowship, good food, and wine.
All set up and cooking outside before the thunderstorm Inside, out of the rain, learning appetizers Up close getting cooking tips Emily learning how to flambe
May 2021 – The club partnered with NWTC and Green Bay Botanical Gardens to establish and improve the bee yard in the work area of the Gardens. The club authorized spending up to $200 on the bee yard which ultimately only cost $60 because of the donation of crushed limestone (NWTC) and mulch (Gardens). Special thanks to Dave and Diane Elsen, Carl Fisher and Julie Mazolleni for all the work they put into the new and improved bee yard.
A bee yard in need of work Blocks ready to be laid Laying and leveling blocks. After 15 wheel barrow loads of crushed limestone. Almost complete Bee yard at Green Bay Botanical Garden
March 2021 – NBC Channel 26 in Green Bay featured beekeeping with interviews of two club members. Watch it here on Facebook.