Category Archives: BCBA

Honey Bee Jobs

Within a hive there are three types of bees. The queen, drones, and worker bees. There is only one queen in a hive, is female, and lays eggs to produce more bees. About 15% of the hive population are drone bees which are male and their only job is to mate with a different queen. Finally about 85% of the bees are female worker bees and they do all of the work around the hive. They take care of the brood, clean and defend the hive, and gather pollen and nectar.

Hive Location

There are numerous factors to consider when determining where to place your hive(s) which include they physical location, bee needs, and human needs. A good starting point is to do an internet search to determine if your local community has set guidelines for maintaining hives. Allouez Wisconsin, for one, has a number of rules to be followed.


  • South facing is optimal – early morning wake-up to start foraging
  • Shade in the PM – so the hive doesn’t overheat in summer
  • Access to water – needed to make honey
  • Good air ventilation – so the hive doesn’t get damp
  • Wind block – can be man-made or natural to help hive survive the winter

Bee Needs

  • No obstruction in front of hive – bees like to exit and fly up
  • Slight lean to the front – so rainwater can drain out
  • Pollen and Nectar Sources – for honey production
  • Level side to side – bees don’t care but could hurt honey production

Human Needs

  • Accessible by vehicle or cart – honey and equipment are heavy
  • Permission – check local ordinances and neighbors
  • Accessible from the back of hive – best to work from the back of hive
  • Weeds and Mowing – keep the hive weed free and trimmed

April Kustov- Wisconsin State Hive Inspector

April Kustov, Wisc State Hive Inspector, spent 2 days with BCBA members inspecting hives and sharing her knowledge.  April was thorough and focused during hive inspections and spent a generous amount of time with each beekeeper, explaining and demonstrating as they went through each hive. 

She also was our featured speaker for the BCBA meeting (Wednesday 8/21/2019)   There was plenty of good conversation, great questions and valuable learning for all attending.  THANK YOU April !  So nice having you with us !  

Girl Scout Troop 4679 Partners with BCBA

BCBA participating in GIRL SCOUT Journey!

The Brown County Beekeepers Association recently partnered with Girl Scout Troop 4679 from West De Pere, WI to assist troop members on their Girl Scout journey. The members Brooklynn Steier, Nicki Waystedt, and Skylar Schultz, participated with  BCBA club members to construct, paint and install a hive as part of their Outdoor Journey. The Girl Scout Outdoor Journey is focused on environmental stewardship.  The girls learn how to care for our planet by minimizing our ecological impact and to be an advocate for nature.  Working with BCBA is a perfect fit for the girls to complete their Journey due to the important role bees play in our environment.  The girls certainly have talent painting and were very engaged in installing the nuc in their new home.

BCBA Beekeeper of the Year 2108

Each year the Brown County Beekeepers Association recognizes one of its members for their knowledge of bees, for exceptional contributions to the club, and dedication to continuing their personal education.

2018 Beekeeper of the Year Carl Fisher, on the left, accepting the honor from President Steve Hupfer.

This year’s selection is Carl Fisher. As a member of the club since 2017 Carl has worked tirelessly the last two years as coordinator for the Introduction to Beekeeping class, volunteered to be a member of the nominating committee, lead the audit committee and learned about marking queen bees before conducting a Meeting Before the Meeting on queen marking for club members.

Previous honorees:
2017 – Lynn Lindgren
2016 – Dave Doering