June 2020 – Three Girl Scouts were assisted by the club as they progressed on their Girl Scout journey. The young ladies painted bee boxes and then learned about installing bees in club hives at the Green Bay Botanical Gardens.

April 2020 – COVID hits and in-person meetings are not allowed at the Botanical Gardens. The leadership of the club made the decision to move to virtual meetings for April. Meeting attendance was excellent, little did we know at the time that we would remain virtual for the rest of the year. Thanks to club officers Dave Elsen, Julie Mazolleni, Tom Cashman, and Sarah Mueller for their guidance and keeping the club alive and vibrant during these trying times.
Club meetings via Zoom Setting up for an “at-the-hive” virtual meeting.
February 2020 – BCBA once again participated in the Einstein Expo where 3000 young children were exposed to beekeeping. They especially enjoyed the observation hive and the bee themed crafts. Special thanks to Dan, Dick and Carol for coordinating the event for the club.
Excited to become bees! Helping with crafts. Making the perfect bee hat.
January 2020 – BCBA members Carl and Dave presented an overview of beekeeping to 32 individuals from the Farmory. It was a lively discussion with lots of great questions.
Carl describing the equipment needed for beekeeping Packed room learning about beekeeping Presentation at the Farmory
January 2020 – The Introduction to Beekeeping class was moved to January and over 50 new beekeepers took advantage of this cost effective way to learn about beekeeping from BCBA experts.
Learning how to lite a smoker. Bee Biology by Sara and Dave President Dave Elsen talking about the club New beekeepers soaking up bee information