Honey Extraction Kit

Survey Results

A survey was taken during the November 2019 club meeting asking members to prioritize the purchase of potential items by ranking up to five items from 1 (highest priority) to 5. There were eleven items suggested for potential purchase. The club also voted to allocate up to $1,000 to purchase the top ranked items.

We then added up all of the “votes” an item received and divided the sum by the number of votes. A combination of votes and average score resulted in the following rankings.

RAnkItemVotesAvg Score
1Infrared Camera122.08
2Honey Extracting Kit112.27
3Bee Education Posters93.33
4Hive Scale82.25
5Candle / Wax Molds83.88
6Frame Assembly Jig64.0
7Dovetail Jig54.0
8BCBA Medallions54.4
9Laptop Computer12.0

As of March 2020 the club has purchased the Infrared Camera and the Honey Extracting Kit items. Both are currently available to rent for club members.

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