Author Archives: Carl Fisher

Girl Scout Troop 4679 Partners with BCBA

BCBA participating in GIRL SCOUT Journey!

The Brown County Beekeepers Association recently partnered with Girl Scout Troop 4679 from West De Pere, WI to assist troop members on their Girl Scout journey. The members Brooklynn Steier, Nicki Waystedt, and Skylar Schultz, participated with  BCBA club members to construct, paint and install a hive as part of their Outdoor Journey. The Girl Scout Outdoor Journey is focused on environmental stewardship.  The girls learn how to care for our planet by minimizing our ecological impact and to be an advocate for nature.  Working with BCBA is a perfect fit for the girls to complete their Journey due to the important role bees play in our environment.  The girls certainly have talent painting and were very engaged in installing the nuc in their new home.

May 2019 Meeting Education

During the May 2109 meeting of the Brown County Beekeepers Association attendees were treated to two informative talks related to honey bees. The bee clubs goal is to provide timely, accurate, and interesting education at each meeting. All persons interested in bees and beekeeping are invited to attend.

Kaelyn presenting her glucose study

Kaelyn Sumner Pulaski FFA Student Advisor. She presented her science fair project that she will be taking to state level. Her goal was to determine if location or geographic location impacted glucose levels in honey. She had over 60 honey samples from all across the United States and even one from Canada. One of her biggest challenges was finding the correct dilution of the honey to determine glucose levels. Surprisingly, she found that geographic location did NOT impact glucose levels in honey. Thank you for your work and for sharing with our club. Kaelyn will be presenting her project to State – Wisconsin Convention as one of the five top projects.

Slava Strogolov CEO of Strong Microbials Inc. presented information about Honey Bee nutrition using pre-biotics and strong microbials to promote bee health, reproduction and longevity. He explained the positive impact of using pre-biotics on Foul Brood, Chalk Brood, other diseases and pesticides and insecticides. Attendees had the opportunity to buy his product DFM.

Youth Involved with Bees

It is always encouraging to see young students getting involved with bees. Below is the write up from Tia Savage describing the bee project she presented at her school on March 28, 2109. She has been invited to attend an upcoming bee club meeting to present her project. She has also expressed interest in furthering her knowledge of bees by joining the club. Excellent work Tia.

“My name is Tia Savage and I attend a project-based learning school, John Dewey Academy of Learning in Green Bay, WI. I did a project working to Save the Bees and raise awareness. I presented the project at Event Night at my school and it was one of the most successful Event Nights I’ve had. I built a bee box out of wood, Styrofoam and paint. I printed honeycomb using a 3D printer and used jello to simulate honey. I had samples of artificial honey and real local honey out as well. I was given the name of “the Bee Girl” and I think I may have really got people to understand the importance of honeybees. “


BCBA Beekeeper of the Year 2108

2018 Beekeeper of the Year Carl Fisher, on the left, accepting the honor from President Steve Hupfer.

Each year the Brown County Beekeepers Association recognizes one of its members for their knowledge of bees, for exceptional contributions to the club, and dedication to continuing their personal education.

This year’s selection is Carl Fisher. As a member of the club since 2017 Carl has worked tirelessly the last two years as coordinator for the Introduction to Beekeeping class, volunteered to be a member of the nominating committee, lead the audit committee and learned about marking queen bees before conducting a Meeting Before the Meeting on queen marking for club members.

Previous honorees:
2017 – Lynn Lindgren
2016 – Dave Doering

Leadership Recognition

At the February 2019 meeting club President Dave Elsen presented former President Steve Hupfer with a momento in recogonition of the years of service he has given the club. Inscribed on the plaque are the heart-felt thoughts of club members.

With sincere appreciation for exceptional leadership, support, and guidance over 6 years as Association President and Vice President

Intro to Beekeeping

On February 23, 2019 the Brown County Beekeepers Association trained 28 prospective beekeepers eager to learn about how to get bees and to keep them alive. The class was a mix of lecture and hands-on. This is an annual class, generally conducted in February.

Special thanks to our title sponsors

Jimmy John's Logo
Hansen Honey Farm LLC
Our youngest future beekeeper learning how to lite and use a smoker
Club member, Julie, sharing her knowledge of protective clothing.
Small group interaction with experienced beekeepers made for excellent learning opportunities.
All seats were filled with future beekeepers.
Club member, Julie, showing folks how to lite a smoker on this damp day.

Where to Buy Bees

Package of bees

At the January 2019 club meeting a there was a handout of companies that sold bees. Several asked for the information to be put on the website. However, before using this information please keep this in mind.

  1. The Club does not endorse any bee providers. However, we believe this information can aid members in evaluating potential bee providers and stress the importance of members doing their own research.
  2. Be sure to ask your potential provider where and when you will have to pick up the bees. Some providers do not distribute bees in Green Bay.
  3. It is important you ask if the bees were treated for mites, when they were treated and what the treatment was.
  4. Before making a final decision on supplier verify all the details of your purchase. Information on this sheet can change at any time.

Click here for the pdf of some suppliers.

American Foulbrood Vaccine?

This is welcome news as American Foulbrood is very damaging to bees and beekeeping. Not only are the bees killed but the spores can remain viable for 40 or more years on the hives. The only way to “treat” hives infected with American Foulbrood is to burn the equipment! Very harsh indeed.

Bees may soon get an ally in their fight against bacterial disease — one of the most serious threats the pollinators face — in the form of an edible vaccine. That’s the promise held out by researchers in Finland, who say they’ve made the first-ever vaccine for insects, aimed at helping struggling honeybee populations.
The scientists are targeting one of bees’ most deadly enemies: American foulbrood, or AFB, an infectious disease that devastates hives and can spread at a calamitous rate.
Read the full story here.

Einstein Expo – Green Bay

Brown County Beekeepers Association will have a booth at the Einstein Expo on February 2, 2019 at Shopko Hall in Green Bay WI. Experienced beekeepers will be present to answer any and all of your bee related questions. 

For more information: click here 

Beekeeping Class Jan 2020

The Brown County Beekeeping Association is happy to present INTRODUCTION TO BEEKEEPING.  Learn the essentials of beginning beekeeping !!

When: January 18th, 2020 — 8:00am to 4:00pm
Where: Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Great Lakes Energy Education Center (see map below)
Online Registration:     Click here
How Much: $55 for an individual, $45 for additional family members
Includes: Light snacks, refreshments and lunch
What: An understanding of:

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